Empang Parit as Silvofishery Model to Support Conserving Mangrove and Increasing Economic Benefit of Social Community
Mangrove, estuary and lagoon ecosystem can be used as the aquatic organism habitat. These ecosystems also have good suitability to support activity of silvofishery system.  Empang parit as a model of silvofishery using  the integrating between the conservation activity of mangrove and aquatic ecosystem with increasing of benefit income for  fisherman. This research aimed to analyze the model and pattern of empang parit, environment factor of empang parit and benefit cost analysis of empang parit. The research used vegetation analysis, water quality analysis, cash flow analysis, satellite image analysis, and geographical information analysis.  The research explained  that empang parit  required water  temperatur between 29 – 32.6oC, water brightnes between 30 – 60 cm, water salinity between 15 -32 ppt, pH between 7 – 81 and dissolve oxygen between 3.9 – 8.3 mg/L.The empang parit also need  Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Heritiera littoralis and Excoecaria agallocha, Rhizophora mucronata and  Rhizophora apiculate to cover empang parit system.  And empang parit gave postive economic value based on value of NPV between 2.754.703–3.871.542 IDR, IRR between 21–48 and  R/C between 2.26–2.32.
Keywords : Â Â Â Â Empang parit; Â silvofishery system; Â economic valuation;Â water quality; Â mangrove coverage
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