Age, Growth and Mortality of the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Population in Merdja Sidi Abed Dam, Algeria.
We tried to estimate age, growth parameters, condition factor, length-weight relationship and mortality rates (Z, M, and F) of the common carp in Merdja Sidi Abed dam. Cyprinus carpio specimens were captured by long line between April and June 2013 in Merdjea Sidi abed. 220 individuals were collected and weights ranged between 265.5 and 620.3 g while the total length ranged between 26.3 and 35.6 cm. Length-converted catch curve was used to estimate total annual instantaneous mortality rates (Z), natural mortality was calculated using Pauly formula [ln(M) = -0.0152 - 0.279 ln(L∞) + 0.6543 ln(K) + 0.463 ln(T)]. Recruitment patterns were determined from the routine implemented in FISAT II. For all individuals (n = 220) of the common carp, the relationship between total length and body weight was: W = 0.0384 L2.70 (r2 = 0.906) for females and W = 0.0467 L2.653(r2 = 0.976) for males a minor allometry was found for this species, mean condition factor K was estimated at 1.41. The maximum value of recruitment was recorded in March-April period with 19.56 and 15.20 % respectively. The Battacharya method was used to estimate age of individuals that was comprised between 1 and years 3. The equation of Von Bertalanffy growth was: L = 36.75 [1-e-0.46 (t + 0.33)] for all the population. Total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were as follows: Z = 1.08, M = 0.82, F = 0.26 yr-1while exploitation ratio (E) was evaluated at 0.24 indicating an under exploitation of this local resource.
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