Aspek Biologi Ikan Layang (Decapterus russelli) di Perairan Latuhalat, Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Pulau Ambon

Ong T.S Ongkers, Jesaja A Pattikawa, Frederick Rijoly


This research was carried out in the waters of Latulahalat, Ambon Island from June to August 2016. The objectives of the research were to study some biological aspects namely sex ratio, gonad maturity level, size distribution and growth pattern of scad mackerel, Decaterus russelli. Fish samples were collected every month at fish landing from purse seine fishers. Sex ratios of scad mackerel in the area were equal i.e. 1:1 with the male dominated gonad maturity levels I and IV while female dominated gonad maturity levels II, III and V.  In general, male fishes were smaller than female ones in term of length and weight. Scad mackerel in the area showed positive allometric growth except for male on August which showed isometric growth

 Keywords: Decaterus russelli, sex ratio, .gonad maturity level, growth pattern 

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Omni-Akuatika by Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty - Jenderal Soedirman University is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License