Current observation of water level in the Sleko waters used single-point time series by applying differential pressure level sensor accompanied by data logger. Data were taken periodically at intervals of five minutes. The telemetry system utilized the facilities of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) in order to transmit the data and receive by a receiver on a server. The data in the server processed using PHP and MySQL applications to be displayed in graphs and numbers on the browser that can be accessed by the user. The results showed the percentage of realization data to the target was 93.45% due to of the signal from Base Transceiver Station. The average of the sea surface level during March to August was 96.11 cm. Accordingly, the tidal type in Sleko waters is mixed mainly semidiurnal tides.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20884/1.oa.2015.11.2.960
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