Validation of INDO12 Ocean Model at Makassar Strait
INDO12, a 1/12 regional configuration of the NEMO3.1 physical ocean model covering the whole Indonesian EEZ has been developed and was running with 3D daily and 2D surface hourly outputs in the framework of the INDESO project. Validate the model results highly required for any downstream applications (services or scientific studies). In order to enhance confidence in using the INDO12 model outputs in Makassar Strait, qualitative comparisons with observed variables is performed. The datasets were used in this study provided by the INSTANT and MITF programs. Validation of model outputs was performed by compare the value of variables from simulation with observation results.The method of comparisons was conducted as follows:current velocities, temperature and salinity, volume transport. The volume transports differences especially occurred below the thermocline layer. The model was colder and fresher in the thermocline layer, whereas deeper the model was warmer and saltier.The differences of the volume transport and temperature distribution affected the transport-weighted temperature and 16°C isotherm depth. The model produced warmer transport-weighted temperature and deeper 16°C isotherm depth compared to the observations. It is concluded from the validation results that the model give a fairly good comparison with the in-situ data, especially for seasonally signals.
Keywords: Validation, INDO12, Ocean Model, Makassar Strait, INSTANT and MITF Programe
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